Padua Urbs picta
A day-trip itinerary exploring the UNESCO World Heritage site: "Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel and Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles"
A day-trip itinerary exploring the UNESCO World Heritage site: "Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel and Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles"
Scrovegni Chapel
Piazza Eremitani, 8, 35121, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Scrovegni ChapelThe Scrovegni Chapel houses one of the most outstanding masterpieces of figurative art of all time, the complete fresco cycle created by Giotto
Church of the Eremitani
Piazza Eremitani 9, 35129, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Church of the EremitaniThe church, partially destroyed in 1944, preserves the remains of the splendid frescoes painted by Guariento and Andrea Mantegna
Palazzo della Ragione
Piazza delle Erbe, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Palazzo della RagioneA true miracle of architectural audacity and an impressive collection of fourteenth-century mural paintings, the only secular and civil commission executed by Giotto in Padua
Via Accademia, 7, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Chapel of the Palazzo CarrareseThe Chapel with its frescoes painted by Guariento is a fantastic testimony of the splendor of what used to be the Carrara Palace
The Cathedral Baptistery
Piazza Duomo, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Cathedral BaptisteryThe masterwork by Giusto de' Menabuoi, the frescoes are inspired by scenes from the Old and New Testaments, which culminates in the splendid image of Christ in Paradise
Oratory of Saint Michael
Piazzetta San Michele, 1, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Oratory of Saint MichaelA historical church decorated by Jacopo da Verona with frescoes inspired by the Gospels, episodes from daily life, and portraits of leading figures of fourteenth-century Padua
Prato della Valle
Prato della Valle, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Prato della VallePrato della Valle in Padua is one of the most spectacular squares in the world and, with its 90,000 square meters, is one of the largest in Europe.
Oratory of Saint George
Piazza del Santo, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Oratory of Saint GeorgeAn aristocratic family mausoleum decorated by Altichiero da Zevio with frescoes depicting scenes from the Life of Christ and of Saint George
Piazza del Santo, 11 35123, Padua (PD) Veneto, Italy

Basilica of Saint AnthonyOne of the most famous and visited sanctuaries in the world and a testament of art decorated by Giotto, Giusto de' Menabuoi, Altichiero da Zevio, and Jacopo Avanzi