Marina Margheri, violoncello

6:00 PM
Thursday, Jul 6, 2023 • 6:00 PM
1 year ago
Eremitani Civic Museums
Piazza Eremitani, 8, Padua (PD), Italy
Marina Margheri, violoncello

Marina Margheri, violoncello


Eremitani Civic Museums

Piazza Eremitani, 8
Padua (PD), Veneto, Italy
Eremitani Civic Museums


Eremitani Civic Museums

The most important Paduan complex of museums features the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art in a charming former convent.

  • The most important Paduan complex of museums features the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art in a charming former convent.

  • The church, partially destroyed in 1944, preserves the remains of the splendid frescoes painted by Guariento and Andrea Mantegna

  • The Scrovegni Chapel houses one of the most outstanding masterpieces of figurative art of all time, the complete fresco cycle created by Giotto

  • The Roman Arena of Padua was an amphitheatre used for gladiator games in the ancient Patavium. The Arena ruins are now part of the Giardini dell'Arena park.

  • Part of the Eremitani Civic Museums complex, the palazzo houses the Museum of Applied and Decorative Arts and the Bottacin Museum in its rooms.