Prato della VallePrato della Valle in Padua is one of the most spectacular squares in the world and, with its 90,000 square meters, is one of the largest in Europe.

The Market of Palazzo della RagioneThe Palazzo della Ragione, built in the Middle Ages as the seat of the city courts, still hosts on the ground floor one of the oldest European markets

Piazza delle ErbePiazza delle Erbe, one of the two squares that embrace the Palazzo della Ragione, is the temple of the Spritz cult and one of the most popular socializing places in Padua.

Piazza della FruttaPiazza della Frutta, once called Piazza del Peronio, has been the commercial heart of Padua for centuries.

Piazza dei SignoriPiazza dei Signori is an elegant open square surrounded by monumental works, fulfilling the role of the grand living room of Padua.

Piazza del SantoPiazza del Santo is a miniature citadel sheltered by the splendid masterpieces of the Oratory of Saint George and the Gattamelata statue.